About the Artist

I was born in Canada and now reside in sunny Queensland, Australia. As a professional full time artist, illustrator and graphic designer I have a passion for capturing my interests in nature and the environment via my paintings.

My paintings hang in Galleries and walls throughout Australia, Europe, U.S.A., Canada and South America. I am an inaugural member of the National Portrait Gallery’s Circle of Friends and my paintings have been sold internationally through out the world.


I’m an avid fly fisher and enjoy capturing the beauty of sports fish in their unique habitat. Because of this interest I’ve put together a number of authentic paintings designed specifically for sports fishers and naturalists that share the same enthusiasm of viewing fish in their natural environment as I do. I pride myself in having each scene truly authentic. Travelling the world my research and fishing experiences has given me many years of enjoyment and dedication collecting photos, filming underwater movies, gathering reference and seeking advice from Governments and professional fishing guides for the (fish art) portion of this site.

Browse my Fish Art



As the increase in sales and demand for my fish art has developed, I have begun producing high quality limited edition prints on canvas for a lower cost scaled option compared to having the original. Most fishers or naturalists I know all have their favourite fish that they admire and they often collect good artwork of the same, to enjoy and share with others. I hope that you will find visual pleasure in viewing my interpretation of fish in the wild.


Displayed under the menu called (other art) on this site is included a variety of different style of paintings that I have done. All paintings are my original concept and design, appreciating that often my portfolio has sparked the interest of clients and/or Galleries to have me undertake commission paintings to their specifications.

I’ve been successfully painting for the majority of my life and I still get great pleasure in following my interest, and pleasing art lovers alike. Some of the paintings displayed on this site are for sale in Galleries or at my studio. Others paintings may be recently marked sold and kept on the site for viewing for a short period of time.

Browse my Other Art

“Thank You and Enjoy”